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Feed on the Bible
Talk with God
Partner with Holy Spirit
Feed on the Bible Daily– God’s Word
Feeding your soul with the Bible, which is the written Word of God, is critical to your spiritual survival and growth as a Christian. A healthy life consists of daily food, exercise, and rest. Food provides nourishment for your physical body to be healthy. Likewise, the Word of God is just as critical for your survival, spiritually.
Each day we are bombarded with things around us that are not always bad but will just wear us down. God provided us with His word, which as a Christian we regard is His spoken words, but in a written format.
You are literally on a journey here on earth from now until you relocate to heaven since this earth is not your forever home. Your journey will go so much better if you ‘pack yourself’ with God’s Word every day, to give you the spiritual nourishment, to not just live but thrive on your earthly journey.
Where do you start reading in the Word? I recommend starting with the Gospel of John, in the New Testament. It tells the story and purpose of Jesus’ life, who He is, why He came to journey with mankind, and the direct instructions He gave us on how to live.
What’s amazing is that God's Word is more than a book. As you read it, His words will be implanted in your soul for life, and not just your memory.
Talk with God – Pray Anytime, and All the Time
You may have been conditioned to believe that prayer is a procedure for making a formal request to God and perhaps through a scripted method, such as the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9). While Jesus did indeed teach us how to pray when His disciples asked Him, this was not intended to be the only prayer or a recipe for praying.
We can talk to God anytime and all the time, about anything. Lost your keys? Ask Him to help you find them. Need help on a test? Lost while driving? Need to know what to say at work or in a meeting? Need an idea for dinner? You get the point. God desires to be part of our life in every aspect, throughout your day.
But don't just ask, listen. Prayer is a two-way communication. Yes, God talks back! He may not often speak back in an audible voice, but rather in ways that are familiar to you. For example, that impression inside that tells you what to do that feels so right in your spirit...that’s God speaking to you. God speaks in many other ways, like via His creation - visible signs in nature; via dreams; via visions; and mostly through His Word - the Bible.
Start your two-way communication with God and you'll discover the way He speaks to you.
Partner with Holy Spirit – Your on-Board Personal Assistant
God is not just in heaven; He is now inside of you as a Christian. Let that reality settle in.
You were created by God and made in His image. God is a spirit, and so are you. When you accepted Jesus into your heart, you asked God to take up residence in you and His Holy Spirit is now in you (John 14:17).
Ok, I admit at first that may sound a bit odd. However, God is three persons in one: Father, Son (Jesus) and Spirit (Holy Spirit), as we learn in the Bible (1 John 5:7). In fact, Jesus said I will go away and will send the one who will be your comforter and advocate, in reference to Holy Spirit (John 14:16).
Jesus instructed us to be 'baptized with Holy Spirit' (Acts 1:5) which means to be immersed in Him and promised that “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8).
Holy Spirit is truth and will also guide you into all truth (John 14:17). Think of Holy Spirit as being your on-board spiritual GPS.
Your life will explode in many ways as Holy Spirit provides gifts that are so amazing, including: wisdom, knowledge, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, speaking in tongues (languages) and interpretation of those tongues.
Share your Experience – and ‘Go’!
Congratulations, you are a Christian! You are now part of the 'Kingdom of God' (Matthew 6:33), which really means God is Who you now serve and belong to, above all other authority on earth. As a Kingdom citizen, you have just inherited a wealth of blessings including eternal life which is also available to everyone you know.
Your life is unique and so is your experience on how you found your way to God. That story is your 'testimony'. It's a treasure for you to share. You don't have to be a preacher, teacher, or go to Bible school to learn how to share. Just talk about what God did and is doing in your life.
Jesus even gave us this as His last instruction before He ascended to heaven. He said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). We have all the tools with an Internet connection, email and plenty of social media options to 'go'.
Go proudly and share your story with those around you.
Join a Community - Not Just a Church
In 1 Corinthians 3:16 we read, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” As a Christian you are the 'temple' of God. So why go to a physical church? We still need community, and we are part of a body of believers, each with different gifts (1 Corinthians 12).
God wired each human being to be in community with others since the beginning of time. Without human interaction, we would live incomplete lives, feel unfulfilled, can get discouraged, etc. God also desires that his individual temples form community to build each other up so we become stronger together and advance His Kingdom here on earth. (Romans 14:19)
Find a community that is excited to help you grow and develop in your new life as a Christian, as well as challenge you when needed, and support you when times are hard. Christianity is not a solo venture, so don't walk alone.
Feed on the Bible Daily– God’s Word
Feeding your soul with the Bible, which is the written Word of God, is critical to your spiritual survival and growth as a Christian.
Do you normally go a day without eating? Most people would say never unless they are ill or fasting. A healthy life consists of daily food, exercise, and rest. Food provides nourishment for your physical body to be healthy. Likewise, the Word of God is just as critical for your survival, spiritually. Each day we are bombarded with things around us that are not always bad but will just wear us down. God provided us with His word, which as a Christian we regard is His spoken words, but in a written format.
The Bible was written over a span of 1500+ years by about 40 authors, in different languages and geographical locations, and is without error. That is just not humanly possible, especially since this was before the age of the Internet that enabled rapid learning, sharing and communication. Paul the apostle described the ‘Word’ as 'God breathed' (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that human writers were not just 'inspired' to write it but were directed by God through His Holy Spirit to pen, or capture His thoughts, desires, and instructions for us.
If you still need a bit more persuasion, think about going on an adventurous camping trip. For such a venture you would obviously pack your bag with food for the number of days you'll be camping so you can survive. Similarly, you are literally on a journey here on earth from now until you relocate to heaven since this earth is not your forever home. Your journey will go so much better if you ‘pack yourself’ with God’s Word every day, to give you the spiritual nourishment to not just live but thrive on your earthly journey.
Where do you start reading in the Word?
Firstly, I encourage you to get a hardcopy Bible. There is nothing better than having the physical Bible in your hands. I also encourage you to read it out loud so you hear God’s words spoken back to you so it will come alive. Highlight the morsels that bless you so that way you can go back to them as needed. I recommend starting with the Gospel of John, in the New Testament. It tells the story and purpose of Jesus’ life, who He is, why He came to journey with mankind, and the direct instructions He gave us on how to live. Like the tastiest part of your meal, savor the words in red, which are the words of Jesus, often colored this way in most modern Bible versions. Memorize these scriptures. Meditate, or chew on them, extra slowly, and ask Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind.
What’s amazing is that God's Word is more than a book. As you read it, His words will be implanted in your soul for life, and not just your memory. For those of us who struggle with memorization, this is refreshing to know. Holy Spirit will bring to thought and action those Words when needed, to remind you how special and unique you are as a child of God and provide wisdom to guide you on your daily journey in faith. (John 14:26).
Enjoy feeding!
1) Get a hardcopy Bible in a modern translation such as a New King James Version (NKJV)
2) Download a good Bible App on your smartphone to always have the digital Word with you when on the go. E.g., YouVersion
Talk with God – Pray Anytime, and All the Time
There is a scripture that says we are to 'pray without ceasing' (1 Thessalonians 5:17). But how is that possible and why is that important?
First, let’s address the question: What is prayer?
You may have been conditioned to believe that prayer is a procedure for making a formal request to God and perhaps through a scripted method. Take the Lord’s prayer as an example: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:9). This is an awesome prayer that I pray most days myself. But, while Jesus did indeed teach us how to pray when His disciples asked Him, this was not intended to be the only prayer or a recipe for praying. This was one example, and a brilliant one indeed, of how we can dialogue with God, our Father. God desires to engage with us throughout our daily life, meaning in everything you put your hands and mind to. No need for a formal approach to prayer.
Talk to God anytime and all the time, about anything. God desires to be part of our life in every aspect, throughout your day. In Psalm 139:4 we are told that God knows what we are about to say before we even say it, which is pretty revealing about how intimate He is with us. At the same time, He desires to be part of our life in every aspect. Lost your keys? Ask Him to help you find them. Need help on a test? Lost while driving? Need to know what to say at work or in a meeting? Need an idea for dinner? You get the point.
But don't just ask, listen. Prayer is two-way communication. Yes, God talks back! He may not often speak back in an audible voice, but rather in ways that are familiar to you. For example, that impression inside that tells you what to do that feels so right in your spirit...that’s God speaking to you. God speaks in many other ways, like via His creation - visible signs in nature; via dreams; via visions; and mostly through His Word - the Bible.
Start your two-way communication with God and you'll discover the way He speaks to you. Don’t pursue a formula or replicate what you see in another Christian. You are unique, and so is your relationship with God, and His personal dialogue with you.
1) Great book on hearing God:
Partner with Holy Spirit – Your on-Board Personal Assistant
God is not just in heaven; He is now inside of you as a Christian. Let that reality settle in. You were created by God and made in His image. God is a spirit, and so are you.
When you accepted Jesus into your heart, you asked God to take up residence in you and His Holy Spirit is now in you (John 14:17). Ok, I admit at first that may sound a bit odd. However, God is three persons in one: Father, Son (Jesus) and Spirit (Holy Spirit), as we learn in the Bible (1 John 5:7). In fact, Jesus said I will go away and will send the one who will be your comforter and advocate in reference to Holy Spirit (John 14:16).
Holy Spirit is a person not a thing. When you accepted Jesus and became a Christian, Holy Spirit came into your heart at salvation. You can think of the process of salvation as your Christian birth certificate that’s unique and has a name - your name, and a date - when you got saved. From that point on, you became a born-again believer ...yeah! But wait, there’s more, a lot more. Holy Spirit wants to participate with you in living your life daily. Jesus instructed us to be 'baptized with Holy Spirit' (Acts 1:5) which means to be immersed in Him. This is not a one-time event like water baptism but an ongoing process. I like to think of the analogy of us being a cup under Niagara Falls, and Holy Spirit being the water. We constantly would be in a state of being filled and overflowing at the same time. Overflowing with love, joy, peace, power, boldness, confidence...and much more. How do you get this Holy Spirit baptism? Jesus instructed us to just ask: “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:13).
Why do I need Holy Spirit "baptism"? As mentioned above, Jesus instructed us to do so, and the bonus is you get to move from living and surviving to becoming super charged. Jesus promised that “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8).
Holy Spirit is truth and will also guide you into all truth (John 14:17). Think of Holy Spirit as being your onboard spiritual GPS.
Your life will explode in many ways as Holy Spirit provides gifts that are so amazing, including: wisdom, knowledge, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, speaking in tongues (languages) and interpretation of those tongues. Speaking in tongues is communicating with God in a heavenly language and is most often accompanied by Holy Spirit baptism. It is described as a distinct seal or evidence of baptism. This may seem strange but imagine having a means of communicating with God directly without relying on your mind to process and think of which words to say when praying. Your spirit communicates with God this way when a believer speaks in tongues. This is not something reserved for the super spiritual but is available for all believers as described in Acts 10:43-47. It’s important to not pursue speaking in tongues but pursue Holy Spirit, and it will come.
1) Guide on Baptism of Holy Spirit:
2) Great message by Derek Prince ...really excellent description of the distinction of Holy Spirit being 'breathed' on us at salvation (‘Resurrection Sunday’) from the outpouring and infilling we receive at baptism (‘Pentecost Sunday’). Also, a very simple approach given for asking Jesus for Holy Spirit baptism:
3) Great teaching by David Hernandez on the benefits of speaking in tongues:
4) Excellent teaching by Bill Johnson on Holy Spirit baptism with excellent references to scripture ......listen to at least 38min onward.
Share your Experience – and ‘Go’!
Congratulations, you are a Christian! You are now part of the 'Kingdom of God' (Matthew 6:33), which really means God is Who you now serve and belong to, above all other authority on earth. You have become a dual citizen, as you now have “citizenship in heaven” as Paul describes in Philippians 3:20. As a Kingdom citizen, you have just inherited a wealth of blessings including eternal life! You will now live forever in God’s Kingdom. But this is not an exclusive prize, it’s also available to everyone.
Image you are digging in your backyard one day and you hit a spring, not just of water, but a spring of life that allows you to live and never die. And the best thing is, it never stops flowing. Would you not want to share this with your family, friends, and others? God has provided you with ‘living water’ so that you’ll never thirst again by receiving His Son, Jesus (John 4:10). This living water does not run out. It is free; it is a gift from God and He wants us to share it.
Your life is unique and so is your experience on how you found your way to God. That story is your 'testimony'. It's a treasure for you to share. You don't have to be a preacher, teacher, or go to Bible school to learn how to share. Just talk about what God did and is doing in your life.
Jesus even gave us this as His last instruction before He ascended to heaven. He said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). You don't need to wait to physically 'go' as in the days of old. You have the Internet at your fingertips which they never had in 33AD. We have all the tools with an Internet connection, email and plenty of social media options to 'go'.... we have no excuses not to go share our good news immediately. When it comes to the physical world, we all live around people, in our homes, communities, gyms, work, clubs, etc. This is your 'mission field' to use a churchy term. Jesus instructed us to “open your eyes and observe that the fields are ready for harvesting now!” (John 4:35). Go proudly and share your story with those around you.
Another part of announcing your new entrance into God's Kingdom is water baptism. This is something we do as Christians to make a public profession of our faith in God. You don't need to be a church member, have read the whole Bible, or take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land before getting baptized. In fact, we are instructed in the Bible to get baptized after salvation as demonstrated in the book of Acts many times (Acts 8:36).
Join a Community - Not Just a Church
This is perhaps the biggest area of confusion for new believers in Christ. Do I need to go to a church? Which church? How often?
First, take note that you are the church. In 1 Corinthians 3:16 we read: “Do you not know that you are a temple (church) of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” As a Christian you are the 'temple' of God. Ok, I know this sounds overwhelming but follow this logic. In the Old Testament portion of the Bible, the temple was a physical place where God's presence resided, and worshippers had to go at regular intervals to bring sacrifices for their sins. I've got good news - Great news indeed! Jesus was the last and only sacrifice that God desired (Romans 8), and when you become a Christian, He takes up residence inside of guess what, you are now the 'temple' of God.
So why go to a physical church? We still need community, and we are part of a body of believers, each with different gifts (1 Corinthians 12). God wired each human being to be in community with others since the beginning of time. Without human interaction, we would live incomplete lives, feel unfulfilled, can get discouraged, etc. God also desires that his individual temples form community to build each other up so we become stronger together and advance His Kingdom here on earth. (Romans 14:19)
Which church do you go to and how often? Find one locally that fully endorses and teaches the complete Word of God and is pursing His plans. It should be one that is not afraid to speak truth but also does so with love. Find a community that is excited to help you grow and develop in your new life as a Christian, as well as challenge you when needed, and support you when times are hard. Christianity is not a solo venture, so don't walk alone.
How often you go to a church is also not a prescription. As you get engaged, God will lead you on this. I encourage you to pray and ask God to direct you on finding a church community. It's important that you grow and mature as a Christian as we are encouraged to in Colossians 1:28. If you are attending a church that does not feed and help you grow in your faith, then perhaps it's time to move on. Again, seek God's direction in every aspect of life.
In addition, and not as an alternative, I also encourage you to connect online with other ministries and teachers that will help you build yourself up in Christ.
Pastor Jack Hibbs is a great online teaching pastor:
This site was created to freely share the gospel of Jesus globally, with the primary purpose of helping Christians grow their faith.
It is not for profit nor affiliated with any organization.
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